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9# How Your Meat Feed Affect Your Health? ft. Nora Farnisa

Nora researched the health affects of beef meat on middle aged male participants in a [...]

8# CRISPR Cas technology discussion with its pioneer ft. Patrick Hsu

I had the honor talking to Dr. Patrick Hsu. Hsu is currently a principal investigator [...]

7# Expansion of the 5 Senses ft. Michael Nguyen

Bar: Hello and welcome to the GolgiRadio I am here with Michael Nguyen. Hello, Michael! [...]

6# Sean’s new medical book, his Role at a Genetic Diagnostic Startup and the Democratization of BioHacking

Check out Sean’s Instagram page: Transcript: Bar: Hello and welcome to the GolgiRadio today with me [...]


How to Find the Slope and the Intercept with the Casio fx-991ES PLUS (linear regression)

To calculate the slope and the intercept all you need is to follow these steps: [...]

5# CBD is everywhere. But is it a scam ft. Dr Rafael Mechoulam AKA the Father of Medical Cannabis

CBD (cannabidiol) has become increasingly popular among silicon valley coffee and tea lovers. Does it [...]

4# Neuroscience and Study Habits for College Students ft. Dr. Johannes Passecker

Do you ever have difficulties studying when the sun is shining?Do Instagram and TikTok keeps [...]

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